
Residential College Culture Review (2025)

91ÖÆƬ³§¹ú²úAV grounds on a beautiful day

Independent Review of the Residential College Culture (2025)

91ÖÆƬ³§¹ú²úAV has been consistent in its efforts to create a Residential College community that embraces our values and provides a healthy environment for 380 young adults as they explore life. We seek to create an environment that fosters a sense of belonging and strikes a balance between the need to ensure safety while recognising the autonomy and independence of our young-adult residents. It’s an important balance, and one that’s considered by us every day. 

Trinity is committed to continuously evolving the culture among our resident community to reflect the College’s values and the ever-changing expectations of society in a manner that is evidence-based, purposeful and transparent. The College does so, in part, by commissioning external, independent reviews by acknowledged experts. 

The College, in response to recommendations in the 2017 Australian Human Rights Commission National Report on Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment, commissioned the – a review of the Residential College Culture. This review was delivered in 2019, and all 32 recommendations have been acted upon, with 30 completed. The National Student Safety Survey (2021) and discussions arising from the Federal Government’s Australian Universities Accord (2024) focused attention on the safety of students at university, including in residential accommodation, and demonstrated the need for a review to assess the Residential College’s progress. 

The College, therefore, having implemented the recommendations of the Neave Review, in 2024 commissioned a second independent review of the current culture by Jenny Ethell and Alexandra Shehadie (see their credentials below). Both Ethell and Shehadie are experienced consultants having led or participated in similar reviews including of the University of Sydney colleges, the ABC, Sydney Symphony Orchestra and NSW Parliament. The results of their independent review of the current culture of Trinity’s Residential College are available below and provide a number of recommendations and commendations. The College accepts the recommendations in this report and commits to actions to fully address these recommendations. This progress will be monitored by the College’s Board and reported on our website.

About our Independent Reviewers

Alexandra Shehadie

Alex has extensive experience in leading large-scale reviews of national significance and has designed high impact recommendations and provided practical advice on how to address these issues.  Alex has led or collaborated on cultural reviews into the Australian Defence Force, the Australian Federal Police, Qantas, Air Services Australia, James Cook University, the University of Canberra, The University of Sydney’s six residential colleges, Rio Tinto, the NSW Parliament, The Victorian Courts, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, EY Oceania, the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, NIDA, Cricket Australia, the Australian Contemporary Music Industry and Nine Entertainment.

Alex is a thought leader on the impact of bullying, sexual harassment, racism and other forms of discrimination that occur in organisations, and the importance of psychologically safe workplaces.

Alex practiced as a solicitor and held senior roles in the NSW Government including as the inaugural Manager of the Violence Prevention Coordination Unit and subsequently as the Executive Director of the Office for Women’s Policy.  She also held a senior role at the Australian Human Rights Commission. Alex was an expert adviser to NATO in relation to women, peace and security and a board member of Guthrie House – a residential support service for women exiting prison.

Jenny Ethell

Jenny Ethell is an accomplished educational leader having held senior executive roles for more than three decades across Australia. She is currently a Board Director of Youth Futures WA who provide homelessness, education and wellbeing services for young people in Western Australia.

Jenny has been providing advisory services to Independent Schools, Government and the University sector supporting them with organisational transformation, functional and cultural reviews. She also works as an advisor for Future Leadership in Executive Search and supporting future leaders in their future growth.

Jenny has been Head of Oxley College, NSW (2019-2022), Principal of the Perth College, WA (2003-2018) and Interim Principal of Methodist Ladies College, WA (2002 & 2022).

In all of her roles she was highly regarded as an educational leader with a passion for developing an inclusive and positive culture, problem solving and professional growth of staff. Committed to life-long learning, Jenny has studied at Curtin University, Harvard University, the University of Melbourne and the Institute of Company Directors. 

If you wish to discuss any aspect of the review or have any concerns of a historical nature, please contact me the Warden of 91ÖÆƬ³§¹ú²úAV, Professor Ken Hinchcliff directly on warden@trinity.unimelb.edu.au.